Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Samsung Galaxy challenge - winners

Résultat Concours Samsung galaxy ( france)

winners :

1 / Hotel (par Antoine Poupel)

2 / Pocoro (par Maxime Caignart)

3 / Jumpy 3D (par Marc Fortin)

4 / Wonder women (par Damien Praca)

5 / Geo Edu (par Clément Martino)

1st prize: hotels

This application allows you to view hotels available to suit your budget and number of nights ... The big difference is the possibility to book from your mobile Android your hotel so easy. In fact all your information necessary to reserve a room are pre-entered in the software.It will do more than fill your bank details when ordering. Free application.

Hotels : première solution aboutie pour réserver son hotel avec son téléphone

2nd prize: Pocoro

An addictive game type puzzle with a little background music. This application is limited in its free version to a number of plateau.

Pocoro un jeu de puzzle vraiment très prenant de zenitude

3rd: Jumpy Ball 3D

3D game where the goal is to move a large ball bouncing on media without it falling into the water. Speed Control, Tilt via the accelerometer.

Jumpy Ball 3D : la balle rebondit, rebondit...

4eme : Wonder Women # 4: Wonder Women

Utility feminine pill, pregnancy, ovulation ... Wonder Woman will help you in life every day to track your initimité!

Wonder Women le compagnon de la gente féminine

5ème : GéoEdu 5th: GéoEdu

GéoEdu is a game, well known on a social networking site, where the goal is to place as quickly as possible and as fairly as possible on a city map. . What perfect culture geographic fun.

GéoEdu : un jeu pour apprendre les villes du monde


Pocket DJ
Express Yourself Badge
World of Bombs

Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to all participants.

Source : http://www.frandroid.com/6264/resultat-officiel-du-concours-developpement-samsung-galaxy/


PS ( 4 french developper ) :

Nouveau concours de développement Android avec Bouygues Telecom et de nombreux autres partenaires (ZDNet, Eyrolles, video2brain, Comment Ça Marche , Android France et pointgphone .....)

DATE LIMITE : dimanche 24 janvier 2010

thématique : "Photo" ou "Social"


Vos ressources Google Android avec CodeS-SourceS

Source : http://www.pointgphone.com/concours-developpement-android-bouygues-telecom-8736

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