Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Chrome poised to become the top web browser in the Philippines

Internet Explorer is still the most commonly used web browser used on personal computers, based on data recorded on websites monitored StatCounter. Internet Explorer has 55% of the worldwide market. In the Philippines, it is a very different story with Mozilla's Firefox having been the top browser used in the country since StatCounter started recording these statistics in December 2008.

However, Google's Chrome browser is poised to take the lead. Since December 2009, usage of Firefox by personal computer users in the feelings has been on the steep decline, with Google's Chrome browser eating into Firefox's and Internet Explorer's user base. Have made the move to Chrome myself about a year ago, I can understand. It feels lighter and faster, and has a nice clean interface.

With Firefox having a 44% (down from 49% three months ago) share and Chrome now at 39% (up from 31% three months ago), should the current trend continue,  Chrome will be the most used web browser in the Philippines in the next three months.

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